Hello dear
I understand your concern
You took the
postinor 2 with in few hours.
It is highly effective in
pregnancy around 95-97%.
So failure is just 0-5%.
Delayed period could be due to pill as it contain high
progesterone and cause prolongation of second phase of cycle.
Period may be delayed by 1-2 week.
birth control pill will you not protect you from the pregnancy as you start from between.
It should be stared from the first day of cycle.
If you have on birth control pill still then period will come when you stop the birth control pill.
If period will delay by more than 14 days then consult the gynecologist and undergo urine pregnancy test and or blood
HCG to confirm the pregnancy.
stress, take healthy diet, drink plenty of water and do regular exercise.
Hope this may help you
Contact further if follow up needed
Best regards
Dr. Sagar