I never master bated in my 26 year life. Though, nocturnal emission was a frequent event for me. But, recently I tried it once after reading an article that- it has no side effects. After that, I got engaged in this habit two/thrice a week. Now, I have turned into an addict as it happens more- even one time every day! Another fact: I watch pornography to ease the process, as it stimulates sexual desire which at last gives ecstasy that I enjoy most. I watched pornography previously but it was not an every day event. It was occasionally. But, now I have to watch it at least twice/thrice to facilitate masturbation process. It has been three months since I started to develop the habit. I tried hardly to evade pornography and master bate without it. But, my mind urges- your masturbation is incomplete without it/ you haven t got the taste of sex without it- - -what is wrong is watching porn while people are indulging in sex with wife/prostitutes/concubines? Now, I feel tired after it. Is it normal? I am still unmarried. Will it create erectile dysfunction in conjugal life if I have to continue this habit for some more months? Also, I want to get rid of this addiction. But, how? It it possible?