Hello My name is Mary, I am 52.7 and I am female, menopausal, but I fear that I have two very bad conditions that have not been diagnosed. Hypothyroid with Myxedema and some great level of adrenal fatigue. I was reading a story about a woman that had Myxedema Madness, and how she got treatment for it and she did get better. My question is if I do have Myxedema does it always lead to this Madness or can it just correct itself with the correct diet plan. I have had the Myxedema Madness before when I was under severe stress. And now I am under similar stressful situations, I don t ever want to get that bad again, it took me 3 weeks to get over that episode and I was labeled as crazy. I still have two children to take care of and really don t have the money to seek the medical attention for this condition. What should I do? Save up to see a real good doctor, or go see a specialist, or wait it out until I am less stressed out? Will or can my condition worsen? My constant body temperature is quite low 97.2 on average, never has it been 98.6 in the past year that I have been recording it. Thank you.