Does his ocular motor apraxia(OMA) compromise his everyday activities? Has your son ever had bladder control? Does he have constipation?
Has he had a urine examination? This would look for reasons he is unable to stay dry, such as
urinary tract infection. Other causes include genitourinary anomalies, medication, and emotional
How long does he usually go between times he wets? Let's assume that it is three hours. Then while at home see that he goes to the bathroom every two and a half hours to empty his bladder.
You may keep a log of the times he urinates. At school make sure his teacher allows him to go to the boy's room at the same interval. Perhaps your son can wear a wristwatch.
No caffeinated drinks. Alarms have helped many children to stay dry at night. They consist of a sensor which is usually attached to his underpants.
During the night, as soon as the sensor is wet, an alarm alerts the child to wake up and go to the bathroom. You can contact a medical supply store to inquire if they carry them.
These are my suggestions. As he is not my patient, please discuss this with his paediatrician before trying this on your own.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Take care
Dr Arnold Zedd, Pediatrician