My mom had a severe stroke 5 days ago. The dr rated it 9.75 out of 10. 3/4 of her left brain was affected. Today on day 5 she is breathing on her own, opening her eyes a lot, moves her left arm and leg, turns her head and that s about it. When she opens her eyes, seems like she s looking into thin air, but she also seems to turn her head and look around. She had TPA medication administered soon after the stroke, she is not on any pain medication, she receives meds to support her heart. The dr says that she does not expect any Improvements in her state, but yet she open her try s and looks around more each day. I know this is a very narrow medical description, but I m looking for an outside opinion. I d like to know: - is a morpheme drip a good option? - does her increasingly opening eyes and looking around mean progress and hope? - if her reactions and movements are very limited, how can they tell if she is in pain? Is a specific part of the brain responsible for pain receptors? Thank you in advance for your input!