I was out playing golf with my dad in March or somewhere around that time. And, later that day I had to go to the bathroom really bad. I went to the stalls that both men and women can use (because that s the only bathrooms they had on the coarse), and in the ONLY stall they had, had pee in it and the seat was up so I knew a guy had gone before me. I didn t flush the toilet.(very bad choice). Anyway, some of the urine splashed in between my legs and butt. And I m kind of worried if I m pregnant or not... I ve seen this one show called I Didn t Know I Was Pregnant and it s making me feel even more worried. I haven t had my period in a while (since July... that s when I had my first period) and I am very skinny and haven t shown signs of any pregnancy. I ve also heard that women who are pregnant can have periods. is that true? But the real question I want you to answer is: does pee have sperm in it? If so, what are the chances of getting pregnant ? Please tell me, I m only 14. I can t take care of a child at this age!