Noted your history of doubtful recurrent or persistent
urinary tract infection as you still have chills,
fatigue, inability of concentration and so on, also have uric acid of 8.
The best way to get a proper diagnosis is by the following ways:
Consult an
Urologist for complete clinical evaluation, examination and get the following investigations done.
Urine: Routine, Microscopy, Culture and sensitivity.
Blood: CBC, culture and sensitivity, other tests as needed.
Ultrasonography and intravenous pyelography.
All these will tell us whether there is any problem related to
urinary system as a cause of persistent or recurrent UTI.
And also get the list of an appropriate antibiotic that can cure you.
If there is any surgical cause then you need to undergo the procedure for possible cure.
It is also possible that you have some other problems that do cause similar symptoms hence needs proper clinical evaluation and treatment as needed.
Raised uric acid needs proper treatment.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. T Chandrakant, ENT & General Surgeon