my name is Annamarie, im 24 years old and I have scoliosis of the spine, I have had it since I got diagnosed at 13 years old, I recently got new xrays and my curve has only gotten worse I have a severe s curve and it effects my body in so many negative ways, I have been dealing with it since I was young and it never bothered me till now. now im older and I have a fiancé and we plan on getting married and having children, well for the past year we haven t used any kind of birth control.... on purpose because we are ready to start our family, but after a year and few months we ve had no luck conceiving a child.... planned parent hood said I have healthy ovaries and to jus keep trying, I almost feel like they don t share the same concern for my health as I do, I seen a chiropractor whom did xrays on my spine and said the curvature in my spine and the few points that my nerves are being hit my sex organs are being affected, and he said my scoliosis could cause me to be infertile. im scared more then anything now and I just want someone who can understand where im coming from and why im so concerned .... please help me with some information thankyou Annamarie