Hallow Dear,
The first intercourse you had was an
unprotected intercourse. Though he did not entre the vagina, he deposited his semen at the vaginal outlet. This is sufficient to cause the
pregnancy. The sperms deposited at the vaginal opening can swim up the vagina and go up to the tubes to fertilize the egg.
Moreover, you have got the milky secretion from the nipples, this is also highly suggestive that you are pregnant.
The post coital
contraceptive pill has to be taken maximum within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse, which you have not.
If it is more that a week that you have missed your period, you can confirm the pregnancy by urine pregnancy test and/or
ultrasonography. There are medical methods by which pregnancy can be terminated.
Mifepristone and
Misoprostol bring about the termination of pregnancy safely up to 9 weeks of pregnancy. However, these medicines are to be taken by Obstetrician's prescription and under observation. They have got a very good success rate.
So please report to your Obstetrician for the further actions to be taken.
I hope you have got the required information and advice.