hi sir/madam,
Thanks for your question on Healthcare Magic.
yes it will.
Diet to be followed:-
• Cold food, drinks and places, cold water shower or bath, especially head bath, day sleep, excessive sleep, sedentary life, foods which are oily, sweet, sour and salty in taste, heavy to digest foods.
• Take seasonal fruits like pomegranate, orange, sweet orange, papaya, apple, pears etc.
• Avoid milk, sugar, coffee, fried products, refrigerated products, sweets, oily products, dishes prepared with flour, fast food, carbonated drinks, cigarette, chocolates, white flour, liquor, meat, bread, junks etc.
• Do good exercise and walking.
• Garlic and onion as a part of diet.
• Eat foods that are neither too hot nor too cold.
• Favour cooked warm meals that are light, nurturing and easy to digest.
• Kichri prepared with green gram, rice and kitchen spices like ginger, cumin seeds, turmeric, fennel seeds, pepper and cinnamon is good for
• Keep your bowels clear – Eat fibre rich vegetables (green leaves), organic fruits and vegetables, avoid brinjal (egg-plant), banana, tomato, curds etc which can clog your channels.
• Best options in kitchen – Regularly use – Cinnamon, Black pepper, cumin seeds, mint, onion, basil, garlic, honey, coriander, rock salt, fennel, clove, turmeric, ginger.
Avoid these for Prevention:-
• Cigarette smoke
• Air pollutants
• Swimming in the pool treated with chlorine
• Air travel – too is a risk factor for exacerbation of sinusitis since the air pressure changes. Take caution and some medicine during air travel
• Rainstorm and damp weather – Symptoms of sinusitis worsen before a rainstorm due to changes in air pressure. Protect yourself during windy and rainy seasons.
• Dust, mould, pollens or any known food allergies; know your allergies with the help of your doctor
• Curds, banana, ice-cold drinks, beverages
• Frequent head baths
• Mosquito repellents
Home remedies for headache and sinus:-
• 1 tsp crushed garlic, 1 tsp turmeric powder and 2 spoon honey mixed together – once or twice daily (ginger can be used in place of garlic), garlic juice can be used instead of paste.
• Lemon juice with honey.
• Orange juice with warm water.
• Ginger juice ½ spoons with honey 1 spoon – 3-4 times daily.
• Ginger powder ½ spoons with jaggery 1 spoon – 3 to 4 times in a day.
• Basil-ginger decoction / infusion – Boil 1 glass full of water with – 8-10 leaves of basil leaves (Tulsi), 8-10 crushed powder of pepper, 15-20 grams of sugar candy, ginger – small piece crushed. When the ingredients reduce to half, strain it through a sieve or a sterile cloth and consume warm.
• 1 teaspoonful cumin powder with 1 tablespoon honey – twice daily.
• ¼ tsp cinnamon powder with 1 tsp honey – once or twice daily.
Yoga aasanas for sinus and headache:-
•Practice Pranayama and Kapal Bhati (forced exhalation techniques) – They will not only help you to breathe ease and maintain a good oxygen levels in your lungs and tissues but also help in eliminating the stagnant morbidity from your sinuses.
Meditation for at least 10 minutes daily in Padmaasan.
•Perform these asanas regularly – Janu-shirasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana, Dhanurasana,
Chakrasana, Shalabasana, Bhujangasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Matsyasana, Shavasana – as per your comfort.
Useful Ayurvedic medicines for Sinus and Headache:-
• Dashamula kashayam.
• Dashamulakadutrayadi kashayam.
• Guggulutiktakam kashayam.
• Pathyakshadhatryadi kashayam.
• Varanadi kashayam.
• Amritottaram kashayam.
Take these decoctions with equal quantity of water
Dosage:- 10 to 30ml.
Ayurvedic tablets used are:-
• Kanchanara Guggulu.
• Laxmi vilas ras.
• Mahalaxmi vilas ras.
• Chitrakadi vati.
• Tribhuvana kirti ras.
• Anandabhirav ras.
• Shirastoda vati.
• Shirashooladi vajra ras.
If symptoms do not resolve within 10 days, antibiotics should be used.
Amoxicillin is the most preferred antibiotic. If symptoms do not improve after 7 days of its use, amoxicillin and
clavulanate should be given as a combined prescription.
Antibiotics should not be given for those with mild / moderate disease during the first week of infection due to risk of adverse effects,
antibiotic resistance.
Hope i was helpful.
Stay healthy and Believe in Ayurveda.