Can understand your concern..
As per your complain there seems to be two reasons for the pain and soreness..
One can be that there is infection in between your wisdom tooth and the gum flap (called as Operculum) due to deposition of food and debris in that area leading to bacterial accumulation causing pain and inflammation.
Other reason can be that the Operculum is being injured by the upper jaw tooth which also leads to inflammation and both these conditions leads to pain which can also radiate to ear ,throat, jaw,floor of mouth etc.
Lymph node tenderness also occurs due to this problem
This condition is known as
I would suggest you to see a
dentist soon and get evaluated for the exact cause of the inflammation.
Other thing that a dentist will evaluate is that whether the wisdom tooth will erupt in line with other molars or it is obstructed by jaw bone which does not erupt in line with other molars and is called an
It can be checked by taking an IOPAR (
x ray).
If the tooth is impacted the ultimate treatment is extraction.
If the tooth is not impacted and if the inflammation is caused due to infection and trauma either you can take medicines( antibiotics and painkillers) as prescribed by doctor for 5 days and get evaluated and if condition does not improve you can get the operculum removed by just a small excision.
You should do warm saline gargles as it help in reducing inflammation.
Keep the area between the gum flap and tooth clean.
Hope your query is solved..
Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.