I am 40 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Last night I started leaking fluid. It wasnt alot just enough to wet my underwear and had white (discharge) flakes in it, but it happened ever so offten from 4:30pm until I went to bed at 11pm. I have been have some contractions, but not regular and not real painful. After I went to sleep I only woke up once to go to the restroom, and I hadnt leaked anymore or since. Everything seemed to have went back to normal, but I just went to the restroom and I have blood in my urine. Its not like it was when I lost my plug, this is more like I am on my period blood. There was a little clums of blood in the toilet, and when I wiped it wasnt like striped or spotty. It was like it was mixed in the urine.. like it is during my period. The baby is still moving normally, and doesn t seem to be under distress. I have had some contractions, but still not regular or painful. Is this just part of getting ready for labor, or should I go to the hospital?