This evening I had a spell that I thought was vertigo, I have had it in the past but maybe over 2 years ago. I was leaving a restaurant backing out of my parking space and when I turned my head to the left, to see if it was okay to back up, I suddenly got very dizzy, light headed and nauseous. I stepped on the break to pull back in and I felt like I was still moving. I had no pain. After a few minutes, I called my husband and he came to get me. We left the car and drove home. It's been about 2 hours ago. I feel better, no nausea, not dizzy, but I still a little lightheaded and not normal. I am thinking this will pass and Ill go to bed and when I wake up Ill be alright. I took 2 Bayer aspirins and a medicine I was given for vertigo Lorazepam 0.5 mg every 8 hours. I am a woman 69 yrs old. YYYY@YYYY . Thank you.