Hello. Thanks for asking from HCM.
I can understand your concern. It is good that you are conscious, oriented after
head injury. You must rule out signs of dangerous head injury like
: vomiting
: bleed through nose/ear/throat
: decreasing consciousness
: fits
: onset of new focal deficit
: persistent non relieving headache even after taking painkillers.
If you are having any of above signs, you must consult ER as soon as possible. The doctor might get
CT scan of head to rule out
fracture or brain bleed. Further management will be decided after CT report.
If no above sign, you can follow few tips for relief in pain and swelling
: Take rest
: Keep your head at higher level than chest
: Apply icepacks at injury site
: You can take painkiller like
Diclofenac sodium after proper prescription.
: Avoid pressure at injury site
Hope it will help you. If still no relief, you should
consult doctor.
Thanks. Take care.