Hi, My son is 18 and severely disabled (intractable seizures, dystonia and severely mentally retarded) and feeds via a g tube. He was hospitalized in November with the swine flu and a viral pneumonia and was on a vent for quite a while. Over the last few months or so, his gum overgrowth has gotten a lot worse. Specifically, the roof of his mouth seems like it has overgrown so much it is down to the bottom of his top teeth. I have asked the ped neuro (we've seen him for 18 years) if any of his seizure meds can cause overgrowth and he says no. He is not on Dilantin or any of the ones that typically cause the overgrowth. Still, I am very concerned about the thickening of the roof of his mouth. I am making an appointment to see a specialty dentist but I am curious to know if he could have a tumor or anything? He has never had a cavity in 18 years and I take good care of his teeth.