I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns.
As per your complain dryness and redness of skin with benzac that contains
benzoyl peroxide seems to be due to
allergic reaction with it and is not a normal finding..
You should immediately stop using it and consult your
dermatologist and ask him for a substitute..
Aldactone contains
spironolactone that is a steroid and I would however not suggest Steroid for
Perioral dermatitis as it tends to gets exaggerated with steroids..
In case if you have Perioral dermatitis you can use ointments and lotions containing Erythromycin..
Other compositions containing Metronidazole can also help..
Azelic acid and adapelene preparations to be applied topically can help..
You should wash your face with plain water when the rashes and bumps are present..
You can also be advised oral intake of antibiotics like Erythromycin..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.