Recent blood test came back with these irregularities:
triglicerides 2.41 mmol/L (Range 0 - 2.03)
P-AST 30 U/L (Range 0 - 40)
P-ALT 59 U/L (Range 10 - 40)
GGT 80 U/L (Range 2 - 60)
Everything else was normal (blood count, electrolytes, blood sugar, cholesterol, etc.)
33 years old. I drank heavily when I was younger. Drink on occasion now, sometimes heavier at parties etc. I had a couple night caps the week of the blood exam, but didn't drink anything the night before.
Is this a sign of alcohol hepatitis? Or some other liver disease? Or was my body just reacting to the couple drinks that week?
Other info: I used to play basketball regularly. But stopped due to a myocardial bridge with an irregular EKG. I have gained about 8 kilos since stopping basketball, but recently started a light work-out routine to get my BMI in check.