i need to know whether my semen report is normal and able to make pregnant Dear Dr., i am 26 years old man, 2 year ago i got married and we are expecting for baby. So, took semen analysis and got the report also in the below Liq. time: 25 min Quantity: 3.5ml Colour: pearl white PH: 7.5 FRUCTOSE: Present Viscosity: Normal Grade A (Rapid progressive) : 60% Grade B(Slow progressive): 10% Grade C (Non Progressive): 10% Non motile: 10% Total sperm count: 35.8 million/ml Abnormal sperms: 20% Microscopic: 3 to 4 Pus cells, Immature 3-4, Epithelial cells 1-2, Red cells-Absent So my report is normal or not