It is a problem, but not so big to divert your mind particularly in the era of IVF. In your case sperm count is very low and your husband is diabetic. Dont worry?? Get your husband's daibetes in control and plan pregnancy by calculating day of ovulation from your gynaecologist. there is no harm, meracle happens but we have to make efforts. Dont get your checkups un necessarily. If you fail in this you can adopt a child legally or prepare your mind for IVF.
hmmm i understand...but doctor gave tablets (maxoza powder for oral administration,Ubi Q 100,tab lyto) for 3 months .. but my doubt is every month or every 15 days he must check sugar level la? regular excersice,walking,food control,diet is it must for him??? becoz he will not do regularly..
Hey,my husband is suffering from the same problem his sperm count is really very low.i wanna know is have u concieved ?or had an ivf? Did maxoza and the other medicine help you?please help me and do reply.