Hello and welcome to HCM.
Thank you for your query.
From your urine report, it appears as though you could be suffering from a
urinary tract infection (UTI). Do not worry about this, as it is easily treatable with the right medication.
Let me list down a few of the most common symptoms of a UTI, although not all need to be made to make a clinical suspicion of a UTI.
-Burning sensation while urinating
-Frequent urination
-Increased urge to urinate, but less amount of urine passed
-Lower abdominal and/or flank region pain
-Itching around the genitals
Now, let me advice you on the course of action. You will most certainly have to visit a doctor, who will further investigate and on confirmation of a UTI and not any other infection, will advice you a course of antibiotics, pain management medication (if required) and a urine alkalizer. These medications will bring about a general improvement in your condition within 24-48 hours of initiation.
Choosing the right antibiotic, the dose and duration is optimal. Thus, the doctor needs to be experienced. I would also request you to have plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated.
I hope I have succeeded in providing the information you were looking for. Please feel free to write back to me for any further clarifications. I would gladly help you.
Best wishes.