Based from the information provided, you do not have any
STD and you had your gynecological exam before 3 weeks and nothing was found wrong / abnormal. So from that point it seems to be a psychological issue like
Common symptoms of vaginismus :
1) Burning or stinging with tightness during sex
2) Difficult or impossible penetration, entry pain, uncomfortable insertion of penis
3) Ongoing sexual discomfort or pain following childbirth, yeast/urinary infections, STDs, IC,
hysterectomy, cancer and surgeries, rape,
menopause, or other issues
Ongoing sexual pain of unknown origin, with no apparent cause
4) Difficulty inserting tampons or undergoing a pelvic/gynecological exam
5) Spasms in other body muscle groups (legs, lower back, etc.) and/or halted breathing during attempts at intercourse
6) Avoidance of sex due to pain and/or failure.
Treatment in case of severs problems are (1) Dilation done by gynec , (2) Trying relaxation methods.
This may explain the "roughness" which you are trying to say, it can be a swelling due to friction caused due to dryness. Best way to deal with the such an issues is to use some lubrication.
Hope it helps.