My four year-old daughter has had an ear infection for the last three days, and a very runny nose (clear) and cough for five days that has gotten progressively worse. Her cough is not rattling or producing phlegm . She s also had a fever for the last two days, tonight it was at 103* and came down to 102* about half an hour after I gave her Advil . It s now 100.7* another half hour later. She has also vomited once or twice a day for the last three days, and today has had diarrhea and pain having a bowel movement , and a lot of flatulence . She was seen in the ER two nights ago for extreme ear pain, was put on azithromycin which she s been taking for two days, and was diagnosed with an ear infection and upper respiratory infection. Her regular pediatrician also prescribed two doses of Zofran for her nausea the next morning. My main concerns at this point are the fever getting so high and being a new symptom since beginning the anitbiotics, the vomiting and diarrhea, and that all of her symptoms with the exception of the ear infection seem to be getting worse rather than better, despite the antibiotics. At what temperature would you suggest I take her to the ER again, if her fever comes back up? I am taking her to see her PCP tomorrow, but I am really concerned tonight. Thank you!