I appreciate your query.
You have not mentioned if you had an abdominal or
transvaginal ultrasound.
However, I will proceed to explain the result to yu.
Gestational sac means the
pregnancy sac ( bag ) which is inside your
uterus, it contains a foetal pole ( the baby itself , which is very tiny at this stage ). The uterus is enlarged to accomodate the pregnancy.
Pouch of douglas empty is normal
Adnexa free means that both your ovaries and tubes are clear and normal.
The slightly doubtful part is when you mention that foetal cardiac activity is equivocal, which means that it is not clear on the ultrasound whether the cardiac activity is present or not ( whether the baby's heartbeat is present or not ).
I am sure you have made a mistake while typing this question.
CRL 15 mm, means that the pregnancy is 8 weeks.
Not 18 weeks.
GA -
gestational age - weeks of pregnancy
EDD - is the expected date of delivery , which will be 29.6.13.
Hence, your report appears to be fine, apart from the query on the heartbeat of the baby.
I would advise you to go for a repeat ultrasound around this time, since it is already a week since your previous report, and at 8 weeks , the cardiac activity should definitely be present, else it indicates a failed pregnancy.
Also, if an abdominal scan fails to detect the cardiac activity, please go for a transvaginal ultrasound to confirm it.
Hope this helped you and best of luck