Hi. I was recently diagnosed with eczema . At first it was a few breakouts of red, itchy bumps on my arms & stomach . Now Its on my back, chest , stomach, legs, & feet . I wake up and there are scabs on me, but they never itched. So itch though--mainly on my legs and stomach. Also I recently got a kitten so i know some of the lower legs bumps & itchiness is from fleas. I ve treated the kitten and seems fleas are gone. But today after work, I came home & inspected my skin. I had bumps on my legs with scabs over them. I was at work all day & did not stratch at all. Its driving me NUTS! I have cream given to me by my doctor, but it doesnt help. I tried to see if maybe something in my diet I might be allergic too, but didnt find any difference when I cut of wheat or dairy, What else can I do?