i have scabs all over from eczema . I have always scratched off the scabs continuously and never had any infections or anything. but at times the eczema even as scabs takes up to 6 mths to heal completely. even then at times heal as a scab but come back as dry skin again.right now i have many from lower back down (usually all over) well anyways a few days ago for no reason any scab that came off started swelling up. they are very very red and bumped skin underneath. they itch worse then ever and they ooze. colors of scabs are different. red, green, white, seems one is even black or purple. i have about ten rt now that are like this. if i scratch off another scab not infected some have immediately got infected as well some not. they are so painful. ecspecially around my ankle and arm. i never seen this before and with eczema problem the scabs are scratched off all the time mostly from itching and not always realizing. i been putting hydrocortozone on them, benadryl , and bactrim . nothing is helping. they keep getting worse. why is this happening? why everytime another scab is scratched off it gets infected? is their something suddenly in my system? do i go to the doctor? i dont know what to do!! i cant wear shorts nor short sleeves. embarassing!! and im hurting bad and itchy!!