Hello and welcome to Healthcare Magic. Thanks for your query.
It is quite likely that your symptoms are
anxiety / stress-related. It is important to understand that anxiety can present with not only psychological symptoms but also with physical or somatic symptoms.
Tingling, electric shock-like sensations, etc. are symptoms which are commonly seen in anxiety disorders.
Anxiety can cause the person's pain and sensory threshold to get lowered and he / she can become 'hypersensitive' to sensory stimuli, and therefore have tingling, burning, etc. The underlying anxiety also causes a person to become more worried about his / her symptoms and this ends up worsening the physical symptoms.
I would advise you to talk about your problems to someone - your parents or your school counsellor - so that you can get help with managing your stress and anxiety. Learning
stress management techniques, relaxation exercises, etc. and
counselling can be effective in helping you overcome your problems.
Wish you all the best.
Dr. Jonas Sundarakumar
Consultant Psychiatrist