My RF is 11. My IgA is 752 (that is not a typo). My ESR is 123. I am SSA+, score was 8.0 I have evaporated dry eye with a tear Break Up Time of 0 seconds. Schirmer test was 3 in left, 0 in right. Restasis failed. Systane Balance drops working better....doc said they work on oil gland. Plaquenil was stopped due to eye damage after 2 years. Stopped Cellcept after 5 weeks due to heart palpitations at night. I felt so good on Cellcept, with the exception of the fast heartbeat at night. Currently on Methotrexate, which is taking a lot out of me. Severe fatigue, pain in different joints, and meralgia paresthetica, and epilepsy and chronic bronchitis with recurrent pneumonia (including 2 bouts of mycoplasmic pneumonia). I have also had protein and blood in my urine for the past 2 years, microscopic. They think IgA Nephropathy but aren't sure.
Any ideas of what I have going on, what tests I ought to look into, and what treatment(s) may help?