welcome to our site
read your query
that is a very significant question
and i appreciate your problem
i will try my best to answer your query
frankly i think your symptoms are
anxiety related
still i would like to rule out some other conditions before
we diagnose anxiety
as i cannot examine you
i would like you to get the following tests
1. chest x ray- to rule out any lung pathology
2. ecg and
dobutamine stress echo- to rule out any cardiac involvment
3. cbc- to rule out any anemia
4. kft and urine routine- to rule out any kidney involvement
5. HbA1c and tsh- these symptoms may occur due to undiagnosed
diabetes and
thyroid disorder
i would like you to try yoga and
meditation till you get the reports
despite the fact that i think
you have anxiety disorder
i will avoid starting treatment now
because anti anxiety drugs have side effects and
can be habit forming
when you respond
would like to know more about your
medical surgical and treatment history
i hope this helps you
inform the reports mentioned above (if any)
so i can be of help further
best of luck
(please do understand that some problem remains as
online texting cuts down history and examination
thereby reducing the effect and efficiency
and increases reliance on tests)