Hi...i have been experienceing the following symptoms. Lower back pain and tenderness at my tailbone. Both side of the buttocks are sore and a slight numbness goes down my left leg as well. At times, I have a sharp pain that shoots through the rectal area. No bleeding, no constipation , no nausea. I have cracked my tailbone before and was in an auto accident two years ago, where i have fractured 4 vertebra. I had a cat scan a few months back that showed a slight lower back disc issue. Just curious if this is sciatic or do to the trauma of the other injuries? I am an avid workout enthuist. However, due to limitations, limit myself to light weights and an elliptical cardio routine. Could the cardio be aggravating the existing issues? I sit at a computer all day! So, I feel relief when I am walking around of course. Very hard to sleep at night. I have a follow up with my primary care this week. Just looking to gain some insight. Many thanks!