For a year I've been experiencing semen leakage upon arousal. Even being on a date with a girl could drench my boxers in sticky precum. I've been sexually active for ten years prior to this and never, ever had an issue until about a year ago. I saw a urologist and was tested for STDs, but have been assured everything is fine. However, I know my bodily habits and they are definitely not normal, so its frustrating to hear "everything is fine". I've been trying Kegel exercises for the past month (3 times a day, 15 reps). I'm wondering if this will go away on its own or if there is anything I can do. Is this psychological? It's a bit embarassing and on one date, the precum leak went through both my boxers AND my pants. I think its lowering my sex drive as well. I can't find a straight answer anywhere, so I hope you can help! Thanks! -T