Hello friend,
Thank you for posting your query through Healthcare magic.
I am a Homoeopath and in my long years of clinical experience I have met with lot of similar lingering coughs that doctors of conventional medicine failed to diagnosis.
All those cases I could cure because we do not treat coughs but we treat the patient. It makes a lot of difference. You may not appreciate the deepest meaning of what I said.
We base the prescription on the concept or theory of Miasms. The meaning of Miasms in Homoeopathy is something very close to genetics. If the term genetics contain any idea of material thing as explained by material science , then Miasm is something beyond that. Miasm is an inherited dynamic tendency transferred from past generations and passed to the individual through his parents.
This Miasm is pervading in all his cells, tissues, organs and systems making to react physically and mentally in a particular fashion. Health or disease of an individual is almost fully based on that.
Now coming to your
chronic cough, I need a lot of information about you, your past history, family history, your life situations, your physical and mental reactions etc. to understand your Miasm. A very detailed case taking is done by us doctors to finalize your curative remedy.
I can confidently tell that this can be cured with Homoeopathy provided you get back to me through the premium question facility of Healthcare magic. I can assist you to prepare your case by sending a case record on request. You will expand your case and return. After studying your case I will be able to give you your curative remedy.
With Best Wishes,
Dr C. J. Varghese,