I have studied your case.
Most probable reason for your symptoms could be postural problem as you may be sitting for long time and working on computer for long time.
Medication like methylcobalamine with
muscle relaxant and
analgesic will reduce pain; you can take them consulting your treating doctor.
Some exercises which can be done after pain has reduced include- wrist rotation,elbow mov,shoulder rotation,neck rotation,fist and open.
Position for around 10 breathes..
You may consult physiotherapist for further guidance. He may start
TENS, or
ultrasound which is helpful in your case.
Some life style modifications to prevent pain– Take break every 40 min from computer and do some lumbar rotation, stretches, walk and get back to work. Sit with taking support to your back, and do not watch television constantly.
I will advise to check your vit B12 and vit D3 level.
Hope this helps. Wish you a speedy recovery.
Take care