Hello, I have been having some concerning issues which I believe may be neurologically based. Major issues: off and on dyspnea (literally feels like my diaphragm is trapped and about every other breath I cannot get deep enough... feels like I need oxygen supplement constantly!). I ve just now recently been getting these strange twerks (perhaps fasciculations) in my limbs and on my face around my eyes. What I can tell you is that the first major incidence of dyspnea occurred Oct. 2013. For about a year leading up to that I had been having chest pain that would feel like a twingy sharp and sometimes tingling sensation every time I breathed in. (I have not experienced the chest pain in quite some time, but the off and on dyspnea has been there ever since last Oct). I have had recent CT scan of the head, chest MRI, chest xrays and chest CT scan. (Last brain MRI was in 2006 which was normal so I think I ll push doc to get that done again). Also have had countless EKGs, been tested for Lupus, TB and Thyroid function. All come back normal. For the breathing I am currently treating with Albuterol and Advair 250/50 for the past couple months- no help. I have not had an official asthma diagnosis but GP prescribed those to help eliminate that possibility in case my breathing issue responded to them. I am currently awaiting a lung function study which won t be until June). I do have epilepsy, both petit mal and grand mal so maybe the fasciculations are actually small continuous seizures ?? Or could that be something worse? Like ALS? I am terrified that I might have ALS. I have a strong family history with neuro issues on my father s side which not only include Epilepsy, but Parkinson s (not ALS that I know of for sure.. but neuro issues are definitely in the fam!) My son was born with sort of a club foot that he needs to get PT for. He also has a curly middle toe on that same foot, and definitely has muscle wasting/atrophy in his left calve-- sort of like the champagne bottle look. He has not gotten an official diagnosis yet as he s not even 2, but they are questioning whether it might be Marie Charcot Tooth or some kind of muscular dystrophy. I share the story about my son because if his condition is indeed neurologic (and it wouldn t surprise me given our family history), then it might also suggest that as his mother I could dealing with some neuro related as well- perhaps a gene mutation that I passed on. I don t want to self diagnose, but I have read that sometimes muscular dystrophy can onset in an adult and some kids that are born to mothers with MD can end up with MD themselves or even something like Marie Charco Tooth. Does Adult onset MD tend to cause fasciculations in all limbs though? Or does this sound more like ALS? I can also tell you that I have not experienced any loss of senses like touch, smell etc. The twitching is in just about every limb and muscle and increases and decreases in intensity but is always there. I do not (yet) have any weakness along with the twitching-- but then again I ve only had the twitching for 4 days now so maybe it s too soon to tell. The twitching and breathing both tend to get more intense at nighttime. Please help! I am not able to get in with my neuro for at least another month and a half! And it s so hard not to have answers. I am a thirty two year old mother of 1. My first onset of the chest pain (which preceded the dyspnea occurred about 5 mos after his delivery. Not sure if there is any connection but didn t think it could hurt to put that out there. Please advise!