I have had an external hemorrhoid tor about a year now. It has bothered me off and on, and was exacerbated when I was pregnant (a few really bloody stools) from 6/12-2/13. For the most part, the pain has been very minimal, mostly just itching and very small amounts of blood on the tissue paper after about 50% of my bowel movements, during which I am very careful not to strain. Yesterday, the hemorrhoid started to sting every time I went to the bathroom, even if I just urinated. I decided to place a Tucks pad of the affected area to try and get some relief. The burning intensified and the hemorrhoid began to, and still does, feel raw and much more swollen. Probably an hour hour or two after I tried the Tucks pad, I noticed the lymph node on the left side of my groin, and also the right to a lesser extent, was swollen and very sore. Today I am trying an external topical cream for the hemorrhoid, with little relief, and the pain in my groin is probably at a 6 and sometimes 7. Do you think the lymph node swelling is related, or should I be making an appointment to see a doctor, and what can I do that I am not doing already for my hemorrhoid? Thank you in advance for any advice you can give me on this matter.