How many rectocele surgeries is it safe or effective to have? I had vaginal approach cystocele, enterocele, rectocele and perineal tightening 15 yrs ago. No mesh or stuff like that. Then 1-1/2 yrs later, had GI doc, do rectocele again re tally. The rectocele is very bad again, and I don't know if a third one is reasonable. I have bowel regime to keep bowel soft, but its still difficult at times, and if I happen to get a bit's a REAL problem I think it's not good for my heart arrhythmia...the straining!
I have some nerve damage. Internal sphincter will spasm, and external sphincter is paralyzed and will leak. The rectum seems to just "fall over" when stool enters it. Splinting does not work anymore either.
Thanks for any response