* Usually, scratching breast n
pregnancy s due to increased size of breast,which leads to stretching ,& cracking of skin the
scars thus formed give rise to itch.
As a rule, more you scratch, more is scratching.The patient being not satisfied,goes on scratching & the vicious circle goes on.
The first thing to control is to understand the cause & determine not to scratch.Application of
prickly heat talcum powder helps a bit.
ointments like-Scratchnil or Pregnacream help by healing the scars,relieving itch ,making the skin healthy.
* *The itching is unbearable& without a rash,it is better to exclude certain complications affecting pregnancy out come.y ou have to rush to doctor for investigations to exclude/diagnose pregnancy
cholestasis & start treatment earliest..
Though , breast is an unusual site for the pregnancy cholestasis scratch,
it is always better to exclude.
Thank you.