Thank you for posting your query.
First of all, I would like to reassure you that his
redness of eyes are not related to any abnormalities in the sympathetic or other parts of nervous system.
These are most likely due to allergies, as you suspected. Allergies need not occur everyday, and it is fairly alright if his symptoms are intermittent.
He would benefit from treatment by an ophthalmologist, so please consult an ophthalmologist.
I hope it helps.
Please get back if you require any further information.
Best wishes,
Dr Sudhir Kumar MD (Internal Medicine), DM (Neurology)
Senior Consultant Neurologist
Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad,
For DIRECT QUERY to me: http://bit.ly/Dr-Sudhir-kumar
My blog: http://bestneurodoctor.blogspot.com/