i am a 34 year old female who has extensive history of dvt on left lower extremity for the past nine years. i've had two episodes of PE with the last one in 2009 resulting in a CVA (causing an atrial valve hole that has since been repaired, a-fib and epileptic seizures since the attack) that only by the grace of God i've been able to recover 88% of all function. for the past two weeks, i've been experiencing extreme fatigue, lightheadedness and only in the past two days have had a pins and needles sensation in my left arm, it was intermittent however it has now been ongoing for four hours without cessation only in the forearm through fingertips. i see interventional radiology, vascular, cardiology, neurology, hematology and a pulmonologist however i do not have any upcoming appointments. i was hoping the new symptoms may just be something simple and unrelated....