You had
HPV which was cleared and confirmed by
PAP smear. So HPV virus is ruled out. Vaginal secretions, sometime white discharge are common for ladies. You have fecal smelling brown
vaginal discharge during defecation. That does not mean that you don't have a similar discharge if you are not defecating.
This type of discharge shows that you have some
vaginal infection of any nature.
My advise is do a vaginal discharge smear analysis, repeat PAP smear and a complete vaginal clinical examination by a gynecologist and if necessary USG abdomen to evaluate your reproductive organs..
A routine
STD and HIV tests for you and your partner is a must.
With the above investigations result we can arrive at a possible cause for that discharge and treatment accordingly
Avoid sex till you get completely alright.
After investigations periodic Vaginal douche, personal hygiene of that region and associated with this you take a course of anti amoebic and anti worm treatment.
Hope you will recover soon
With good wishes