i am a MALE 16 years and weight is 95kg.i used to play golf a lot,i read an article about bending yourself by hips which will cause stretch in hamstrings and golf swing will improve.i tried it but overstretched by hamstrings,i started feeling pain after 3 days in my back,i went to doctor and he gave me painkillers etc,but nothing of it was effective,my problem got more worse,i went to an orthopedic and he gave me some exercises to do,i did it for 1 and a half month and ate painkillers but my problem remained same,i would say its worse than when first i felt pain,i got an x-ray of my back and doctor told me that i am suffering from muscular pain.i am suffering from the pain since 4 months.i feel pain if i drink soda,tea or any liquid containing gas in it and if i bend or carry any weight.i am tensed and i feel that i would never be able to play golf again in my life,i beg you to tell solution of my prob