My 18 year old son has severe exhaustion, is very pale, has decreased appetite and is more moody/irratable than is normal for him. He is still working a 40 hour work week washing/cleaning/polishing autos at a car wash, but when he comes home he lays on the couch and drops right to sleep. The only change in his life for the past 6 weeks is that he rides a motorcycle for 1 -3 hours a day, wearing a helmet which (although new) has a different smell.... when I hug him when he leaves the house (either morning or evening) he seems to have a strange "metallic" smell......he's never had that before, prior to this, he would smell of either normal sweat, or if just showered soap and the top of his head smells metallic even after a shower.....I am still buying the same shampoo and soap. I can't get him to go in for a checkup. This metallic smell is strange - none of my four kids have ever smelled that way before.