Hi there,
Thanks for your query.
From the limited information provided by you, it is apparently "Post-
concussion Syndrome".
All symptoms of yours are due to underlying Neurotic
depression. You definitely need a long-term treatment with a combination of an anti-depressant + anti-
anxiety drug, till your mental state is restored to normal state.
MRI brain had not been done after concussions, it should be done to rule out any bleeding under the covering of the brain (called
subdural hematoma), which usually causes chronic depression + anxiety.
Consult your doctor and apprise him of my opinion. I am certain that he will agree with me, order required tests, and- based on the reports- will prescribe suitable treatment as advised.
In case of any further queries, revert back to me THROUGH DIRECT PREMIUM QUERY (Paid), addressed to me personally. You will receive- almost immediately- my response in great details.
If you find my response helpful and informative, do not forget an “excellent” (5-star rating) to my answer, to ENCOURAGE all doctors- engaged in social service- to render sound advice to the FREE queries.
Fond regards and have a nice day
Dr. Rakesh Karanwal