I am here to ask a question regarding with MILD FULLNESS in left kidney of my daughter. For about 2 weeks she is suffering from fever. There are no other symptoms. fever is coming and going. We consult a pediatrician.
The doctor told us to do a blood test and Urine routine test for her. The result came with ESR(95mm/hr), WBC coiunt(14.4cells/mm3) Hb( 10.4g/dl), for blood and for Urine Pus cells(numerous), Bacteria(+++), Nitraites(positive), RBc(2-3), Epi (1-2). So with the result Dr told us it is UTI. He prescribed for Ultrasound sonography. From that he came to know that there is Mild Fullness. I felt the amount of urine she urinate is a little bit less.
The Dr told us It might be happened congenitally nd to monitor her water input and output for one day. He told me its better to consult a urologist or Nephrologist. Why its so happens?? Is it curable, Dr? How much serious is that??