My 8 year old complains of her heart stopping and then going really fast. Often ask is she going to die when this happens. She has stomach problems on a regular basis and has lately developed trouble with being able to get a deep breath. The stomach issues started Thanksgiving a year ago and were diagnosed at the time as stomach migrains. She became very aware of her heart about 2 to three months ago and tells me that she feels it stop beating and then sometimes complains of a sour, lemony feeling around her heart. Her heart rate is variable from around 70 bpm to 115 during these complaints. The breathing problems started about 4 to 5 weeks ago and has sent us racing to the urgent care , emergency room , doctors office and specialist. We have recently even had an ambulance at the house. Her heart rate is often racing and she will begin to hyperventilate as a result of trying to catch her breath. She has normal blood pressure and O2 sat. is 98-100. Her family doctor put her on a steriod inhaler , and feels she is not getting air in the bottom of her lungs so she feels that she is not breathing although her oxygen intake is good. The Xrays of her lungs show a small amount of flem and some inflamation in the bottom two lobes. The Cardiac specialist said the original EKG showed one side of her heart larger than the other but the ECG did not give evidence of this. A 24 hour heart monter did show that her heart skipped two beats in a row two seperate times during the 24 hours, but nothing the doctor considered significant. She has been taking the steriod for two weeks and the breathing seems to be better, although she still feels that it is difficult to taking a full breath. They gave her tums to take when she feels like she is having a heart attack and told us to go home. She has always been extremely healthy and is 53lbs. She is slender for her height but very muscular. She participates in competitive gymnastics and works out 4 times a week for 3.5 hours each time. I am not very satisfied witht he heart Doctors lack of concern for the skipped heart beats and get very concerned when my 8 year old tells me her heart is racing and ask is she is dying! Should we seek a second opinion? No one seems to feel that the symptoms are related but us. Is there something we are missing? Could these symptoms be indicative of something more? What should we be looking for?