It can be due to a rare condition known as a 'patent urachus' or a 'urachal cyst'.
This is a fine biological duct or a fluid-filled swelling between the top of the bladder and the belly button (the
The duct has a function in the embryo but then normally closes-up to become a mere ligament, which is an empty cord of scar-like tissue.
Very rarely it does not heal and can present later in life as a swelling, perhaps discharging urine or mucus from a cyst within an open (patent) urachus.
However, it is rare and there are other more common conditions that can cause persistent discharges from the belly button like a mixed fungal and bacterial infection.
Get the culture of discharge done and take the medicines accordingly.
Fungal infection is very common at belly button as this is a moist and humid area,which is ideal for fungal growth.
As far as
vomiting is concerned,it doesn't seem to have any connection with belly infection.It could be due to various causes like
gastritis caused by pain killers or due yo alcohol or may be food
poisoning.You require a consultation with doctor for finding the cause and subsequent treatment.