For a couple months I've been physically ill on a constant basis; every couple of weeks. My doctor told me it was just a virus after being sick for 6 days straight. Only recently I've also had moments of almost unbearable pain. It started with migraines that sent me to the hospital twice because they would come and go every few minutes and just recently it would be a few minutes of excruciating pain in other parts of my body followed by just feeling normal. Most of the pains can be focused on my head, lower abdomen, upper abdomen, upper and lower back, and feet. I'm also experiencing a frequent shortness of breath for as long as half an hour. It hurts a lot and I'm quite sick of being sick and it's now affecting my school and grades in a highly negative way. I'm also experiencing vertigo and loss of concentration, and fainting spells (only in work environments for the fainting). I need answers. I am a 17 year old female.