I got tested because i saw a couple little bumps on my shaft a couple weeks after being with her, i popped them because at first i thought they were pimples or something of the sort, and a lil clear fluid came out, but before i popped them you could not tell there was fluid in them.
There was no pain and it didnt look like anything i saw online, and i didnt have any other symptoms other than i was a lil sore under the neck but im not sure if it was before or during the time i saw the bumps. Nothing new has popped up sense!
The sex was protected!
There were no visible bumps or lesions on her.
I havent been with sense and we did have a sexual relationship about 6 or 7 months before the last encounter and she said the guy she was with had also been tested and was negative.
I got my results for my blood test today hsv-2 it was 0.67 negative!
The girl i had sex with got tested and her results for hsv-2 it was 0.42 negative!
Her results for hsv-1 it was 0.10 negative!
the scale is 0.90 or less is Negative
0.90 - 1.10 Equivocal
1.10 or more Positive
I got my test done at about 7 or 8 weeks after being with her.
keep in mind know about waiting 12 weeks or more im just looking to ease my mind.
How accurate is this blood test (HERPESELECT-HSV-2 ELISA: 3640X)
How sure can i be that my results wont change in a couple weeks?
If this was herpes and i sense i popped the bumps, how soon will an outbreak happen from me spreading it to myself?
If i am negative why arent my results .0?