Four days ago I had food poisoning. Horrific experience, puking up bile felt like heart burn as I was puked.
Profuse sweating, I was sitting a tub of cold water and puking in a bucket. Then came excessive diarrhea while puking. I had really bad cramps, nausea, and eventually dry heaving, this lasted for about 2 1/2 hours. Then I was freezing cold. I had a nurse friend here to help me and finally made it through it. She said she was going to take me to the hospital if I puked again.
The next day my stomach was super sore of course and I had extreme pain on right side of neck, starting about an inch to the left of behind the right ear, at very top of neck. Shooting sharp pains from the same spot and up to my forehead. It hurts if I am doing nothing, opening my mouth to eat, cough, or turn my head to left or right. Five years ago I was hit in the head with a golf ball in the same spot and the doctor said if it hit a hair to the right or left (can't remember) I would be dead. Now my right eye is tearing up constantly. I have iced, heated, stretched, and had my neck adjusted by chiropractor. He said it was very, very tight and majorly affecting my range of motion. I have also been putting cypress and lavender oil on it, which so far is the only thing working. Tylenol has helped a bit, Motrin and Tylenol with Codeine did not.
Three years after the golf ball accident I went to a company called Brains of Grand Rapids, Mi. I wanted to get Nero feedback. They put all the wires all over my head and sent off the reports, the doctor asked if I had any type of injury in the same area. They did another wires all over my head again and sent it off to her. She recommended the neurofeedback, however I ran into financial issues and could not do the neurofeedback. Should I be concerned and go to the ER? My doctor said to take some flexural 3 x a day ice and heat and said it has only been 4 days and you were really sick? Feel like I shouldn't wait? What do you think?
Thanks for your time?