Hi, I m 16 year old female, and the very first time I passed out was because I was over heated. I was 8 years old. The next time it happened I was 15 and I was on a school field trip. It was the hottest day of the year, and we had to stand outside for about 2 hours, and I was wearing long jeans. I had a sudden craving for water, so I walked over to my teacher and as soon as I said something I could feel my legs give out. I passed out and next thing I know everyone is hovering over me, I went back to school with this weird feeling in my head that it would happen again, but it didn t. Last September I was getting ready for school and I took a drink of a soda , and 5 seconds later I had a sharp pain in my left side and I blacked out. I have no idea what caused that. In December I was in the shower and I felt really hungry, and then I felt like I was going to throw up. I just figured it was because of how hungry I was. I got out, blow dried my hair and I walked out to the kitchen to get some food, and I ran back in the bathroom cause I felt like I was going t throw up, and as I was looking for a clip to hold my hair back, all I remember is getting super dizzy, and I woke up 10 minutes later on my bathroom floor. I had a giant bruise on the right side of my head and I woke up with my head 2 inches away from the bathtub and I had no idea where I was at. Ever since then, I feel light headed & nauseous all the time. I ve gone to a neurologist and he said it was probably because all my hormones are going crazy and probably poor circulation. He ordered me to have blood tests, EEG , and a EKG . I m scared though. I m scared of needles, and he said that the goal in the EEG was for me to pass out. Passing out is scary, and I don t want to more than I have to lol. But this weekend I got really dizzy when I went out to dinner, so I sat on the bathroom floor with my head between my legs until I thought I had enough strength to get up. I always feel weird in my 1st hour, which is gym. We don t really do much, I just feel disconnected. Today I went home from school because in gym I could feel my face get hot, my head started feeling weird and the room started spinning, I went to the bathroom and sat there. I went back to class but then went to the nurse. Sometimes when this happens, my chest gets heavy or hurts and I feel like throwing up. I m really scared because I don t know what s wrong with me, can you help?