I have been having weird feelings and pains in my stomach for around a month now. It often cramps and i get sharp pains which immobilise me, but more and more frequently, it feels like something is moving around in there. I have also had people knock into it, which causes me a lot of pain. I am also nauseous, and am getting light headed when spending a lot of time on my feet . I am also urinating more frequently than usual. My last couple of periods were out of time with my usual cycle and a lot shorter and lighter than normal. I have taken two pregnancy tests , about 3 weeks apart and both were negative. As I have gained a lot of weight in my stomach area, I am being asked a lot if I am pregnant. If I was though, I would be 15 weeks by now, so surely a test would ve picked this up. I have been to see a doctor, and he felt my stomach a bit, but didn t really say anything. What else could be causing all of this? Thanks.